News • May 25, 2018
Milhouse Team Presents to Richard J. Daley College Students
Members of our power team had the opportunity to visit Richard J. Daley College, and present to promote STEM to students in Chicago who may not have the opportunity to learn and explore the different fields of engineering. Milhouse team members, Manuel Ramirez and Juan Campos, presented to a class of 20 students pursuing a career in the STEM field and SHPE (Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers) Daley members.
The presentation consisted of two parts. First our experts presented a recent project that entailed major obstacle, and explained how they resolved the issue for the client. They also shared the extensive levels of collaboration required in order to be successful in this field. The second part was an open forum, where students were encouraged to ask questions and engage in discussion regarding the career field, challenges, and concerns they had about their career paths.
“My favorite part of the presentation was the feeling of making a difference in the lives of the students,” said Manuel Ramirez. “The opportunity to reassure someone that they can be successful and achieve their goals is enough fulfillment.”