Residential Sound Insulation Program

Residential Sound Insulation Program

Many residents of major cities like the convenience of living near an airport; however, many don’t realize just how loud takeoffs and landings of jet airplanes can be. This is particularly problematic for older homes that haven’t been updated with the latest sound insulation technology. Without proper sound insulation, the noise from jet airplanes creates constant interruptions of everyday activities such as television watching, telephone conversations, face-to-face conversations, and sleep.

Cities are working with residents to help mitigate these constant interruptions by replacing their windows and doors with modern versions that include high-quality sound insulation. Since many older homes were not built with central air conditioning, modern windows and doors alone will not totally eliminate the noise intrusion since residents typically open windows throughout the year for fresh air and to help cool the house. In these situations, the city program may include installing central air conditioning as well—a welcome bonus for the resident!

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