Insights • April 21, 2023

What Are the Benefits of Sustainable Construction?

A 2021 survey showed that 2,000 construction professionals wanted to use sustainable options. This showed that 47% of them were going to change to sustainable practices. More and more people are becoming aware of the importance of sustainable practices. This has made its way to sustainable construction for new buildings.

Sustainable building is becoming more common in the construction industry. This is happening as the demand for sustainability is more present than ever before.

Keep reading to find out what the benefits of sustainable construction are.

What Is Sustainable Construction?

You may have heard about environmental construction but don’t know what it is. This is used to describe construction that has sustainability at its core. For instance, sustainable building materials are used that are more renewable. It helps reduce the impact on the environment that construction usually has.

Many businesses are putting a stronger focus on choosing environmentally friendly options. This is why the construction market is leaning towards making these choices as well. This has a lasting impact by aiding the environment and helping to conserve resources. It also helps to create better buildings that are more durable.

Sustainable construction will look a bit different depending on where you go. Different resources will be available and slightly different practices may be necessary. For example, some states may have access to certain materials that are more abundant. Choosing these options would be more sustainable for that area.

Sustainable Construction Benefits

There are many sustainability benefits to consider in construction. These practices may take a bit more thought, but they are sure to pay off. These professionals are starting to understand how beneficial this change can be. It benefits both the construction companies as well as the occupants of the building.

Here are the most important benefits you should know about.

Protects the Environment

One of the main benefits of sustainable construction is the environment. The practices used help to reduce the strain on environmental resources. Less pollution is caused, and fewer resources are wasted. This helps to protect the environment from unnecessary strain during building projects.

Improved Environment for Occupants

It’s believed that sustainable construction creates a better environment. Studies have shown that it can improve the health and well-being of the occupants of the building. This is often due to the materials that are used for sustainable building. These buildings provide better indoor air quality and offer better natural lighting.

These are all things that you may not be able to find in traditional buildings. These buildings are also considered to provide a better quality of life long-term. There are certain health problems linked to common construction materials. Using safer materials can reduce these risks, creating a safer living environment.

This could also benefit construction workers who work with these materials:

Lower Costs

A huge benefit of these practices is lower costs over time. These buildings are often more efficient and operate in a more natural way. They do not consume and waste resources like traditional buildings. Because of this, occupants can expect to pay less for their water and power bills.

This not only helps the occupants, but it also helps the surrounding environment.

Noise Avoidance

Something that you may not have thought about is noise pollution. Construction is often the source of a huge amount of noise pollution that can be very intrusive. Sustainable construction focuses on reducing the noise it creates. Some tactics to do this include having noise barriers to protect nearby buildings.

If you’re building near an apartment, you would put barriers between the sites. Some larger construction projects also plant trees to absorb the noise.

Sustainable Construction Tactics

There are certain practices used for sustainable construction. These are the core values that help these projects to stay on course and make better decisions. This is sometimes called a green initiative in the construction industry.

Here are some examples of common tactics you can use in construction:

Building Materials

The main tactic that is used is relying on environmentally friendly materials. This could include sourcing materials that are in abundance locally. For instance, certain types of wood may be more available in certain areas than others. This would be a material that would be more sustainable for that particular building.

Recycled materials are also used to reduce waste. For instance, certain construction waste and sand could be repurposed for another building.

Construction Technology

There are a lot of ways of improving construction with technology. One tool that’s available is construction technology that uses 3-D printing and BIM. Construction professionals can plan buildings more accurately and efficiently. This will help to reduce the waste of time and wasted resources while building.

It helps buildings to be constructed faster with fewer errors occurring.

Sustainable Practices

Basic practices are also important for sustainability. This often focuses on implementing sustainable strategies for buildings. You may have a green roof installed or solar panels installed for the building. Some professionals rely on greywater systems or other energy-efficient techniques.

More and more sustainable techniques are being discovered every year. These are helping professionals to create buildings that are efficient and environmentally friendly.

Sustainable Building Benefits

If you’re interested in sustainable construction, there are plenty of benefits. This is something that is taking the construction industry by storm as there is more demand for it. Sustainable practices have never been more important as many resources are so taxed. Making the switch to better practices and material options is the obvious move.

Are you interested in using more sustainable practices when constructing buildings? Contact us today at Milhouse to work with our expertise on your next project.